Black Hills Defense & Industry Symposium

Senator Mike Rounds
2023 Black Hills Defense & Industry Symposium

Black Hills Defense& Industry Symposium:

Leading The National Defense Discussion

“Welcome to the Black Hills Defense Symposium.

This event is designed to bring the best and the brightest from all over the country to the Black Hills in order to solve the problems our current military faces. It is also to inform our community of current events happening at our local bases and around the country. Esteemed members from the United States military, research labs, colleges, elected officials, and industry leaders come together to pool and share their knowledge with the public. Each year hundreds of hours go into planning this event, with the end goal being attendees learning as much as possible. We hope that you take the knowledge that you gain from this event, and utilize it. Use it to improve your business, get government contracts, or further your research. Enjoy your time at the symposium and your time in our beautiful community. There is a lot to offer here so soak up as much as possible and we hope to see you at our future symposiums!”

Tim Houghton,
Vice President & Chief Operating Officer,
H-S Precision

Black Hills WireBlack Hills Military Advisory Coalition
The Box Elder Event Center
631 WaTiki Way
Box Elder, SD 57719

Copyright © 2025, Black Hills Military Advisory Coalition